星期四, 九月 27, 2007

Project Server 2007 使用问题

内部使用 Project Server 2007来做产品管理的一些跟踪,碰到一些问题。写下来,以供大家参考。

  1. 通过 Project Professional 不能打开签出项目文件,只能只读打开。
    1. 原因:上一次签出没有保证签入。
    2. 解决方案:用管理员帐户登录到 Project Sever ,[服务器设置]à[强制签入项目],选择要强制签入的项目。

    3. 或者自己主动签入项目。


  2. 如果以上还不能解决,那么
    1. 原因:任务没有更新
    2. 解决方案:到我的任务中,更新任务状态。全部保存,提交所有任务。

星期三, 九月 26, 2007





星期四, 九月 20, 2007

How to choose a blog name

These days, read more, think more, share more and more.

Many friends like write own blog. But none can remember your blog.

So the first important thing is choose a better blog name.

Just, read this title, share it at here.

  1. Your blog name is forever (think Google cache)
  2. Your blog name will be associated with you (whether you like it or not)
  3. What's funny now may not be in a couple of months (choose for longevity)
  4. You can always start a new blog (but there are switching costs)
  5. Make it yours (own whatever you choose)
  6. It's not the name, it's what you write (most important)

pick it, buddy.