星期二, 十月 24, 2006

Jam in Subway

Yesterday morning.
get up, washing room.
bus, subway.

It took my nearly two hours from home to comany.

At Sihui exchange station, out following the people flow into No.1 railway,but many man back...
"Not permit into subway temporarily"
Have to waiting, back to Sihui east station, exchange into No.1 rail.
After that, I knew that a man self-murder in a station, turned the subway into jam.

Life only once for a man, treasure her.

Addtional,just look at a blog with a friend,laugh from ear to ear! please click here.If you take the subway life everyday.

Tag: self-murder subway subway

星期一, 十月 23, 2006

Failed! Gtalk on PocketPC

So terried tell all, test GTalk on my PocketPC failed.
All thest days, because a project of company, I have to dev some app on the PocketPC.
This night, not want to sleep. update the compact framework on the PPC,and download the UMM (Free!) ,which support AOL/ICQ/Yahoo/MSN, because they all suppot XMPP protcol, of course Google suppot it.so I create a new one by GTalk acount, abount 3 second later,tell connect failed. crying...
If your mobile OS is Palm,please see here...
Just now.River,a friend of mine,tell me he will give a BlackBerry!waiting!!!

星期四, 十月 19, 2006

I haven't seen you for a long time

I haven't seen you for a long time, Deving or Programming? How can I call your name.
I am writing a project propose for a "animal health and sick diagnose system",and this system will run on internet and other devices like PPC. So I have to dev a demo for it,snap it into doc.

In this period, touching some theory,like Expert System and Distributed Expert System. Think it, all above data mining theory,and all must building on the database. some tech will be used,analysics services,reporting services.

all the emotion coming...
all the scene backing...
cannot hold up the feeling
That was the most memorable days of my tech life indeed.
Remember it pls.

星期二, 十月 17, 2006

The best TV program I'd like this year

Midnight,writing blog
Forgeted since when
Love this TV program "win in China"
Love every word
Love every expression
Avail self every opportunity
Empressement first
Business second

In fact, as a manager,he must undergo great hardships

Tell me,tell simon,tell EachX,all my teams.
Call Enigma and Ariel this time every week
Chating with MSN

Also.Remember SM told me interview with Google this afternoon,but failed.
So send a mail to all my friends
So a water post be created also, faint!
Which driven mode in Google ? by enginner or by product manager?Tell me,pls

星期五, 十月 13, 2006

Back to Wallop

Severel days ago, Ariel give me a wallop invite .
That's great!
So invited simon,boolean, angela,and tingting immediately.

Snap the UI,share it here.
If you wanna a invite, please comment this blog.
Love Microsoft,love wallop
Every UI / UE editor, should research this product.

And just now, Ariel tell me,he will going to the new position of new comany with my recommendation, so tell me, invite me to Houhai tomorrow afternoon , enjoy the sunshine .:D

Tag: wallop 后海 Houhai

星期五, 十月 06, 2006


5、到青岛一定要去 崂山,“崂山道士”典故出自于此。山路弯弯曲曲,左边是山石,右边就是几百米的直上直下山崖,下面汪洋海水,看多了,有点的确有点晕头,浪潮大的时候,海浪排石,高高溅起海水,霎是好看。
7、 到威海一定要去刘公岛,因为这里是甲午战争的要地,岛上最需要看的就是“甲午战争博物馆”了,一定要去看,一定要去看,一共大约十三个展馆,展示了甲午战争的方方面面,在岛的南岸,是巍然屹立的邓公的雕像,岛上一条邓公路,一条丁公路。岛上有北洋海军的宿舍,还有当时的“北洋学堂”。岛上还有战争当时,英国军官的小别墅,依然保留。

星期日, 十月 01, 2006






Tag: 光合作用书店 互联网商规11条 五道口




